Extended personal tax due dates for 2020 IRS: Federal tax returns (1040) are...
Category :
Taxes and COVID-19
We do not usually write articles about tax issues, but we recently found some noteworthy articles...
Need to write a “one-off” check? here’s how
Occasionally you may have to write a check to pay a bill and will probably never have to write a...
Finding a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to Measure Your Business
Every business owner has some way to measure the growth and success of their business. My...
Closing the Year in Sage 50: Some items to consider
Many of our clients generate their tax and financial reports on a calendar year basis. With that...
Period End Closing in Sage 50: A Checklist
There is no formal period end closing in Sage 50 within an open fiscal year. There are,...
Using a Modern General Ledger
In a recent white paper “The 10 Essentials of an Effective Financial Solution”, the first point...
Financial Reporting A-B-C’s in Sage 50
Most business people today are familiar with the two standard financial statements: Balance Sheet and Income Statement. But there is a third meaningful statement available in your Sage 50 software: the Cash Flow Statement.
High Security Check Stock Available
Check fraud losses are in excess of a billion dollars a year. TriStar’s source for checks has...
Tools for Inventory Management
As manufacturers and distributors should be well aware, careful management of inventory is...