High Security Check Stock Available

by Jan 15, 2014Tips & Tricks

Check fraud losses are in excess of a billion dollars a year. TriStar’s source for checks has released new checks with the latest security technology. These new high security checks are the same price as previous checks purchased from TriStar.

The security features in this check stock are:

  • Anti copy technology.
  • Chemical sensitive paper.
  • Chemical wash detection area.
  • False-positive test area.
  • Foil hologram.
  • Heat sensitive ink.
  • High resolution warning band.
  • High security background colors.
  • Intricate design border.
  • Microprinting.
  • Multi-tonal void pantograph and verification grid.
  • Original document backer.
  • Thermochromic ink. True watermark.
  • Visible and invisible fibers.

Contact us at 610-941-2116 for pricing and ordering. We can also provide you with envelopes for mailing checks with single or double windows, and either wet seal or self seal.

While on the subject of check stock, here is a tip we just picked up based on our own experience with scanning checks for deposit. When placing a check memo field on a check you have customized, it is important not to have the memo on the same horizontal line as the pre-imprinted check number, nine digit bank routing number, and bank account number.

When placed on that same horizontal line described above, your check may not be  read properly by the bank’s digital reader when submitted for deposit. Your bank and your vendor’s bank may experience delays in processing the check.

you should know that all Sage 50 check formats have a field for memo. The memo field is the code the vendor uses to identify your account with them. This is a free-form alphanumeric field. Peachtree /Sage50 does not require use of this field, but some vendors require this field on your payment check.

When using the memo field it can be placed anywhere on the check form. It is typically placed below the vendor name and address field.  Just be sure it doesn’t fall down to the bank coding line on the check.

In the check format customize window, you can move the memo field anywhere on the check. If you have problems with check customization give us a call at 610-941-2116, or email us at [email protected].

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